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Silently Held

Chantal Acda & The Atlantic Drifters

Silently Held

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917357424
Catnr: CR 73574
Release date: 03 May 2024
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73574
Release date
03 May 2024

"... An audiophile CD with warm flow flow, soul and emotional depth. Highly recommended!  "

InMusic, 26-6-2024

About the album

This release follows Chantal's earlier musical odysseys, including Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) and Saturday Moon (2021). Each album, a testament to her artistic evolution, has resonated with audiences worldwide.

Silently Held comes to life with the collaborative brilliance of accomplished musicians. Bill Frisell with his beautiful understanding of Chantal’s flow of melody, Eric Thielemans who brings his percussive mastery to the mix. Jozef Dumoulin playing the piano with immense calmth. Thomas Morgan's who seems to be picking magic out of the skies with his bass and Shahzad Ismaily's golden touch as a multi-instrumentalist contribute to the album's rich texture. Colin Stetson, renowned for his avant-garde saxophone work but also his work for Bon Iver, lends his unique voice, creating moments of emotive intensity.

And Joachim Badenhorst, Niels Van Heertum and Kurt Van Herck finishing the album with their beautiful brass.
Guided by the skilled production of Philip Weinrobe (known from his work for Dirty Projectors and Adrienne Lenker) the album's sonic landscape is carefully crafted. Most of the songs recorded in one take. One breath to keep close to the realness and rawness Chantal was looking for. Meanwhile, the experienced touch of mixing engineer Phill Brown (Talk Talk, Mark Hollis,..) who has been very present on Chantal’s journey for years.

In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. "Silently Held" stands as a testament to the beauty found in the closeness of our flaws and feelings, inviting us to embrace them with grace and authenticity.
Diese Veröffentlichung folgt Chantals früheren musikalischen Odysseen, darunter Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) und Saturday Moon (2021). Jedes Album, ein Zeugnis ihrer künstlerischen Entwicklung, hat das Publikum weltweit begeistert.

Silently Held wird durch die Zusammenarbeit mit brillanten Musikern zum Leben erweckt. Bill Frisell mit seinem wunderbaren Verständnis für Chantals Melodiefluss, Eric Thielemans, der seine perkussive Meisterschaft in den Mix einbringt. Jozef Dumoulin, der das Klavier mit großer Ruhe spielt. Thomas Morgan, der mit seinem Bass Magie aus dem Himmel zu holen scheint, und Shahzad Ismaily, der als Multiinstrumentalist ein goldenes Händchen hat, tragen zur reichen Textur des Albums bei. Colin Stetson, der für seine avantgardistischen Saxophonarbeiten, aber auch für seine Arbeit mit Bon Iver bekannt ist, steuert seine einzigartige Stimme bei und sorgt für Momente von gefühlvoller Intensität.
Und Joachim Badenhorst, Niels Van Heertum und Kurt Van Herck runden das Album mit ihren wunderschönen Bläsern ab.
Geleitet von der geschickten Produktion von Philip Weinrobe (bekannt durch seine Arbeit für Dirty Projectors und Adrienne Lenker) ist die Klanglandschaft des Albums sorgfältig ausgearbeitet. Die meisten Songs wurden in einem einzigen Take aufgenommen. Ein Atemzug, um der Echtheit und Rohheit, die Chantal suchte, nahe zu kommen. Der erfahrene Tontechniker Phill Brown (Talk Talk, Mark Hollis,...), der Chantal schon seit Jahren auf ihrem Weg begleitet, hat das Album abgemischt.
In der ruhigen Umarmung der Musik enthüllt Chantal eine raue und authentische Darstellung von Verwundbarkeit, in der jeder Makel und jedes Gefühl dicht gehalten wird. Das Album wird zu einem Zufluchtsort, der den Hörer dazu einlädt, sich in dieser stillen Gemeinschaft mit den Besonderheiten der menschlichen Erfahrung zu verbinden. Mit jeder Note und jedem Text schafft Chantal Acda einen Raum, in dem Unvollkommenheiten nicht nur anerkannt, sondern auch gefeiert werden, wodurch eine tiefe und intime Verbindung zwischen der Künstlerin und dem Publikum entsteht. "Silently Held" ist ein Zeugnis für die Schönheit, die in der Nähe unserer Schwächen und Gefühle liegt, und lädt uns ein, sie mit Anmut und Authentizität anzunehmen.


Chantal Acda (vocals)

​​​​​This release follows Chantal's earlier musical odysseys, including Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) and Saturday Moon (2021). Each album, a testament to her artistic evolution, has resonated with audiences worldwide. In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. 'Silently Held' stands as...
​​​​​This release follows Chantal's earlier musical odysseys, including Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) and Saturday Moon (2021). Each album, a testament to her artistic evolution, has resonated with audiences worldwide. In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. "Silently Held" stands as a testament to the beauty found in the closeness of our flaws and feelings, inviting us to embrace them with grace and authenticity.


Thomas Morgan (double bass)

Thomas Morgan (double bass) Morgan began playing the cello 7 years of age, before switching to upright-bass at 14. In 2003 he received his bachelor's degree in Music from the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Harvie Swartz and Garry Diall. He also took lessons with Ray Brown and Peter Herbert. Morgan worked with David Binney, Steve Coleman, Joey Baron, Josh Roseman, Brad Shepik, Steve Cardenas, Timuçin Şahin, Kenny Wollesen, Gerald Cleaver, Adam Rogers and Kenny Werner throughout his career. He is also cooperating with Jakob Bro, Dan Tepfer, Jim Black, John Abercrombie, Masabumi Kikuchi and the Sylvie Courvoisier-Mark Feldman Quartet. Morgan lead his own trio.
Thomas Morgan (double bass) Morgan began playing the cello 7 years of age, before switching to upright-bass at 14. In 2003 he received his bachelor's degree in Music from the Manhattan School of Music, where he studied with Harvie Swartz and Garry Diall. He also took lessons with Ray Brown and Peter Herbert. Morgan worked with David Binney, Steve Coleman, Joey Baron, Josh Roseman, Brad Shepik, Steve Cardenas, Timuçin Şahin, Kenny Wollesen, Gerald Cleaver, Adam Rogers and Kenny Werner throughout his career. He is also cooperating with Jakob Bro, Dan Tepfer, Jim Black, John Abercrombie, Masabumi Kikuchi and the Sylvie Courvoisier-Mark Feldman Quartet. Morgan lead his own trio.


Bill Frisell (guitar)

Bill Frisell (electric guitar) Bill Frisell, born in 1951, is an American guitarist and composer known for his distinctive approach to jazz, country, and folk music. With a career spanning decades, Frisell has collaborated with a diverse range of musicians, crafting a unique sound that blends various genres seamlessly.

Bill Frisell (electric guitar) Bill Frisell, born in 1951, is an American guitarist and composer known for his distinctive approach to jazz, country, and folk music. With a career spanning decades, Frisell has collaborated with a diverse range of musicians, crafting a unique sound that blends various genres seamlessly.


Shahzad Ismaily (guitar)

Shahzad Ismaily (acoustic guitar, percussion, piano, moog) Shahzad Ismaily was born to Pakistani immigrant parents and grew up in a wholly bicultural household. While he holds a masters degree in biochemistry from Arizona State University, he is a largely self-taught composer and musician, having mastered the electric and double bass, guitar, banjo, accordion, flute, drums, various percussion instruments and various analog synthesizers and drum machines. Ismaily has recorded or performed with an incredibly diverse assemblage of musicians, including Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Jolie Holland, Laura Veirs, Bonnie Prince Billy and Marc Ribot.  
Shahzad Ismaily (acoustic guitar, percussion, piano, moog) Shahzad Ismaily was born to Pakistani immigrant parents and grew up in a wholly bicultural household. While he holds a masters degree in biochemistry from Arizona State University, he is a largely self-taught composer and musician, having mastered the electric and double bass, guitar, banjo, accordion, flute, drums, various percussion instruments and various analog synthesizers and drum machines. Ismaily has recorded or performed with an incredibly diverse assemblage of musicians, including Laurie Anderson and Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Jolie Holland, Laura Veirs, Bonnie Prince Billy and Marc Ribot.


Joachim Badenhorst (clarinet)

Joachim Badenhorst (clarinet) Joachim Badenhorst: Belgian clarinetist and saxophonist Joachim Badenhorst, born in 1981, is celebrated for his innovative approach to improvised music. With a foundation in jazz, Badenhorst explores the intersections of different styles, creating a rich and dynamic musical vocabulary that transcends traditional boundaries.
Joachim Badenhorst (clarinet) Joachim Badenhorst: Belgian clarinetist and saxophonist Joachim Badenhorst, born in 1981, is celebrated for his innovative approach to improvised music. With a foundation in jazz, Badenhorst explores the intersections of different styles, creating a rich and dynamic musical vocabulary that transcends traditional boundaries.


Eric Thielemans (drums)

Eric Thielemans (drums) As a genre crossing/blending percussionist with a classically trained ear, Eric Thielemans has worked his way via jazz drumming and free improvisation towards his own realms in Music & Performance. Grown from a teenager in the mid Eighties to a contemporary professional - for him along with fellow artists from the same generation - a multi-disciplinary way of work comes naturally.Known from his work with Billy Hart, Trevor Dunn, Mika Vanio and Laurie Anderson. Has been a member of Chantal’s band since 2011  
Eric Thielemans (drums) As a genre crossing/blending percussionist with a classically trained ear, Eric Thielemans has worked his way via jazz drumming and free improvisation towards his own realms in Music & Performance. Grown from a teenager in the mid Eighties to a contemporary professional - for him along with fellow artists from the same generation - a multi-disciplinary way of work comes naturally.Known from his work with Billy Hart, Trevor Dunn, Mika Vanio and Laurie Anderson. Has been a member of Chantal’s band since 2011

Colin Stetson (saxophone)

Colin Stetson (saxophone) Colin Stetson: Colin Stetson, born in 1975, is a Canadian saxophonist and multireedist renowned for his avant-garde and experimental music. Stetson's unconventional techniques, such as circular breathing and vocalizations, contribute to his distinct sonic landscape. He has made significant contributions to both solo projects and collaborations across various genres.
Colin Stetson (saxophone) Colin Stetson: Colin Stetson, born in 1975, is a Canadian saxophonist and multireedist renowned for his avant-garde and experimental music. Stetson's unconventional techniques, such as circular breathing and vocalizations, contribute to his distinct sonic landscape. He has made significant contributions to both solo projects and collaborations across various genres.


Jozef Dumoulin (piano)

Jozef Dumoulin (piano) Jozef Dumoulin: Jozef Dumoulin, born in 1975, is a Belgian pianist and composer known for his inventive work in the realm of contemporary jazz and improvised music. Dumoulin's exploration of extended piano techniques and electronic elements contributes to a forward-thinking sound that challenges conventional notions of jazz piano.
Jozef Dumoulin (piano) Jozef Dumoulin: Jozef Dumoulin, born in 1975, is a Belgian pianist and composer known for his inventive work in the realm of contemporary jazz and improvised music. Dumoulin's exploration of extended piano techniques and electronic elements contributes to a forward-thinking sound that challenges conventional notions of jazz piano.


Niels van Heertum (tuba)

Niels van Heertum (euphonium) Niels Van Heertum started playing the euphonium at the age of eight. With a background in both classical and jazz music, Niels went further on the path of jazz euphonium at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where he studied with John Ruocco and Kris Defoort, among others. Attending masterclasses and private lessons by Sergio Carolino, Chris Speed, Brian Bowman, Ellery Eskelin and Samuel Blaser. In 2010 he formed the band Ifa y Xango, together with six fellow musicians. The band won the prestigious Gent Jazz Contest 2011 and played at the Gent Jazz Festival in 2012. Their critically aclaimed debut album ‘Abraham’ was selected as ‘best debut of the year’ by the New York City Jazz...
Niels van Heertum (euphonium) Niels Van Heertum started playing the euphonium at the age of eight. With a background in both classical and jazz music, Niels went further on the path of jazz euphonium at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, where he studied with John Ruocco and Kris Defoort, among others. Attending masterclasses and private lessons by Sergio Carolino, Chris Speed, Brian Bowman, Ellery Eskelin and Samuel Blaser. In 2010 he formed the band Ifa y Xango, together with six fellow musicians. The band won the prestigious Gent Jazz Contest 2011 and played at the Gent Jazz Festival in 2012. Their critically aclaimed debut album ‘Abraham’ was selected as ‘best debut of the year’ by the New York City Jazz Magazine. He has been playing with Chantal since many years.


Kurt van Herck (saxophone)

Kurt van Herck (saxophone) Kurt Van Herck studied at the Jazz Studio in Antwerp. Under the guidance of John Ruocco, Kurt found his own musical path. Later he came into contact with Jacques Pelzer, who in turn became an important and inexhaustible source of inspiration. Surrounded by talented brothers in arms such as Dré Pallemaerts, Bert Joris, Diederik Wissels, Erwin Vann, Frank Vaganée, Philippe Aerts, Michel Herr, Daniel Romeo, Eric Legnini, Michel Hatzigorgiou, Riccardo Del Fra, Serge Lazarevitch, Nathalie Loriers, Kries Goessens, ... Kurt has been making music since 1986 in a continuous series of projects at home and abroad. Besides his work in smaller formations, Kurt also remains a much sought-after big band player: the former BRT Orchestra, Act...
Kurt van Herck (saxophone) Kurt Van Herck studied at the Jazz Studio in Antwerp. Under the guidance of John Ruocco, Kurt found his own musical path. Later he came into contact with Jacques Pelzer, who in turn became an important and inexhaustible source of inspiration. Surrounded by talented brothers in arms such as Dré Pallemaerts, Bert Joris, Diederik Wissels, Erwin Vann, Frank Vaganée, Philippe Aerts, Michel Herr, Daniel Romeo, Eric Legnini, Michel Hatzigorgiou, Riccardo Del Fra, Serge Lazarevitch, Nathalie Loriers, Kries Goessens, ... Kurt has been making music since 1986 in a continuous series of projects at home and abroad. Besides his work in smaller formations, Kurt also remains a much sought-after big band player: the former BRT Orchestra, Act Big Band, Dizzie Gillespie Big Band, European Broadcast Union and the Brussels Jazz Orchestra, his musical home. In 1997 he received the Django d' Or and in 1999 he was first choice of the VRT listener.



Chantal Acda (vocals)

​​​​​This release follows Chantal's earlier musical odysseys, including Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) and Saturday Moon (2021). Each album, a testament to her artistic evolution, has resonated with audiences worldwide. In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. 'Silently Held' stands as...
​​​​​This release follows Chantal's earlier musical odysseys, including Let Your Hands be My Guide (2013), The Sparkle In Our Flaws (2015), Bounce Back (2017), Puwawau (2019) and Saturday Moon (2021). Each album, a testament to her artistic evolution, has resonated with audiences worldwide. In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. "Silently Held" stands as a testament to the beauty found in the closeness of our flaws and feelings, inviting us to embrace them with grace and authenticity.



... An audiophile CD with warm flow flow, soul and emotional depth. Highly recommended!  
InMusic, 26-6-2024

... It sounds like quite a force of sound, but behind the velvety, floating voice of Chantal Acda there are astonishingly delicate, melodically and rhythmically delicate structures that give the nine songs an impressively intimate inwardness...
Fono Forum, 01-6-2024

The intro already tempts you to indulge ... Audio 06 2024  
Audio, 01-6-2024

... The songs radiate a deep intensity and calm, the instruments wrap Acda's shimmering voice in a warm, protective embrace. ...
Melodiva, 16-5-2024

Nine intimate songs that will have to be listened to again to perceive their fragile beauty. Which arouses a hint of curiosity.
Jazzmania, 29-8-2024

an absolutely unstoppable response to Beth Orton's masterpiece from two years ago
Indierock Magazine, 14-8-2024

Reminding of many Nordic singers, Acda gives a reflective, poetic, floating, spacious and patient performance with Bill Frisell and others.
Jazz Journal, 11-8-2024

The entire album gently takes you by the hand, guides you through life with all its beautiful and sad moments and is the comfort you have always wanted to receive.
de ongeletterde wanhoop, 15-6-2024

It is wonderfully beautiful to hear how subtly, refinedly and with control these musicians help shape the songs. The leading role is played by Acda's ever-emotional vocals, the instruments respectfully and sensitively providing colour, strength, expansion and depth.
Written in Music, 14-6-2024

... It is precisely this pleasantly calm atmosphere that makes this gripping restraint so special; you are invited to listen in a relaxed manner and can let yourself go and enjoy, while paying attention to the subtleties.
Musikansich, 05-6-2024

... And so we hear music full of restrained beauty, sometimes floating along with free-spirited excursions in some passages...
Musikansich, 05-6-2024

I experienced that there is a lot of depth and reflection in a difficult period. That's what I call the value of darkness. I see my album as a call to learn to see the beauty and power in that rawness. - Chantal Acda
De Roma Magazine, 05-6-2024

"Silently Held" is yet another great work from a singer-songwriter who never ceases to surprise and excite us since her beautiful solo debut.
Ondarock, 02-6-2024

In music in general, silence is important to me, because it allows me to listen and perceive the space I am in. In the silences of “Silently Held” there are numerous small details, a greater layering, which Phill Brown has maintained in the mixing. I wanted this space that we captured in the studio recordings to remain in the songs so that we could invite all the people who would listen to the record into it. - Chantal Acda
Ondarock, 02-6-2024

... has much more in common with Joan Baez than with the usual jazz vocals due to the vibrato and puts the singer in the vicinity of Nordic genre crossers like Rebekka Bakken...
Rondo, 01-6-2024

Weakness can be so hypnotically beautiful! It's hard to resist Chantal Acda's evocative chanting…
Concerto, 01-6-2024

Acda and the Atlantic Drifters have crafted a wholly immersive world of sound which is ideal for her voice and lyrics. The musicians bring virtuosity and variation, and never deviate from the landscape they have created. They create a haze which can envelop the listener and bring them intimately close to the songs. Acda is captivating in her delivery and has produced an album that can hold listeners in an intense yet gentle embrace.
All About Jazz, 27-5-2024

This entrancing Belgian vocalist of Dutch origin presents one of the most resourceful uses of an international all-star troupe to date. Her original set of wistful songs is delicate to the touch, but somehow remains unshattered. Complemented in the proceedings by two-thirds of the Bill Frisell Trio (ie. the maestro, whom she collaborated with on last year’s Live at Jazz Middelheim, plus bassist Thomas Morgan) the overall mood is graciously augmented by the group's serene feel. I appreciate the ways in which Acda’s voice resembles Marianne Faithfull, which she achieves with matchless fragility.
Presto Music, 24-5-2024

Silently Held is really about the intimacy of voice cloaked in that panoramic Frisellian mood - and what an unforgettable voice it is. Frisell's new supersized live album on Blue Note Orchestras doesn't succeed in anywhere near the same way certainly if you prioritise intimacy and mood. There's a universality that counts immeasurably.
Marlbank, 21-5-2024

The result is an extremely calm and at the same time gripping album that captivates the ear every second with its open and transparent mix, the airy stage and the balanced sound. All in all, music that is absolutely worth listening to.
HighResMac, 17-5-2024

The transatlantic friendship between Chantal Acda and her largely American band requires an attentive, sometimes even patient ear. But anyone who takes the time for magic is guaranteed to be treated to sparkles.
De Morgen, 16-5-2024

We are in grace and authenticity. And it makes me think of Joni Mitchell's Travelogue (...) This shows the quality of Silently Held.
Le Soir, 16-5-2024

The songs radiate a deep intensity and calm, the instruments wrap Acda's shimmering voice in a warm, protective embrace.
Melodiva, 16-5-2024

Uniquely graceful, Acda’s voice sparkles with life on this album. She sounds authentic, her profound lyrics highlighting intimacy through communication as she invites the listener into her own personal world.
UK Vibe, 12-5-2024

Now for my undisputed beauty of the week. CHANTAL ACDA & THE ATLANTIC DRIFTERS is the name of this project.  ... A musical blessing.
NaDann, 11-5-2024

Considering the fact that Helmond-born Chantal Acda collaborates more than ever on Silently Held with big names from the jazz world, including Bill Frisell, Shahzad Ismaily and Colin Stetson, you might think it is a jazz album. However, Acda's vocals and songs are mainly folk, although it is that special combination that leads to beautiful folk jazz.
Heaven, 10-5-2024

She doesn't push the envelope, but it is more complex and adventurous. I can imagine that it takes some getting used to, but I really think it turned out great and it puts her once again stunningly beautiful singing, which goes in like a sermon smeared with butter on both sides, in a different light. It produces a comforting, compelling and modest masterpiece full of profound beauty.
De Subjectivisten, 09-5-2024

A moving album about survival.
De Standaard, 08-5-2024

Silently Held is (once again) confirmation of Chantal Acda's great talent, as a songwriter, as an emotional performer and as a daredevil.
Knack, 08-5-2024

A moving album about survival.
20minutos, 08-5-2024

Unique talents who have joined Acda to make a record that sounds so personal that its authenticity and originality shine through. And yet one song is even more subdued than the other - all equally fragile and sensitive. A sudden highlight in an already strong career.
PlatoMania, 08-5-2024

'Silently Held' by Chantal Acda is a heart-warming, intense album with a deeply sensitive emotional layering and overwhelming richness of sound. What you will hold on to for a long time. Impressive.
Jazzhalo, 07-5-2024

Frisell and the other musicians give Acda, who puts her intense ups and downs into words, the space to stay as close to herself as possible.   By inviting the listener into our intimate space, where heaviness is translated into beauty, the world will not change. Yet I hope to provoke some kind of reflection or a moment of clarity, from which perhaps a new insight can emerge. - Chantal Acda
De Tijd, 07-5-2024

Silently Held is an album that offers the opportunity to switch back to a slower tempo, but it is also an album in which the musical and vocal highlights follow each other at breakneck speed. Nevertheless, it is a subtle and balanced album that keeps getting better. All in all, Silently Held is the next highlight in Chantal Acda's unique and high-quality oeuvre.
De krenten uit de pop, 05-5-2024

Take your time for Silently Held. This is really an album that you should taste in its entirety, like a good bottle of wine or an exciting book.
Dansende Beren, 03-5-2024

... The result is a dazzling, colorful jewel that will stay in your memory for a long time. quote, 03-5-2024

This album requires you to sit down and let it sink in slowly. Stop thinking, start feeling.
Enola, 03-5-2024

We are used to Chantal's albums feeling like a wonderful trip, but on the new one she has outclassed herself again - together with her musicians.
Luminous Dash, 03-5-2024

By the time the record is put down with the sax sounds of Stetson in The Barn, you know: True friends are super important to make a record (or life, if you like) something beautiful. Acda has been aware of this for some time.
Damusic, 02-5-2024

No one, of course, sings like Acda, whose fragile vocal quiver makes her instantly identifiable. As she sings with disarming vulnerability and the song gloriously builds, Frisell imaginatively complements her every gesture. Morgan also shows himself to be an invaluable contributor when his incisive double bass animates the material; Thielemans, too, deserves commendation for enhancing the songs with solid yet tastefully restrained drumming. Think of Silently Held as real music by real people, something that shouldn't be a rarity in today's popular music field but often seems to be.
Textura, 01-5-2024

Nine outpourings full of questions and doubts, often without a ready answer. An album of introspection that also makes the listener think without sounding too melancholic. Extremely delicate listening stuff for gourmets. Especially for fans of Cowboy Junkies, Chris & Carla and Naima Joris.
Jazzenzo, 30-4-2024

... Through her inspirations, she finds a changing melodic line that allows for elaborate openings thanks to the phrasing of her feelings and emotions, which ryhtms her excellent variations...
radiorec, 25-4-2024

Beautiful, melodic songs sung with Chantal Acda's usual sensuality. ... interview, 22-4-2024

Silently Held is a dance between Bill Frisell (US), Thomas Morgan (US), Shahzad Ismaily (US), Colin Stetson (US-CA) and Chantal Acda (BE). In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. —Challenge Records
All About Jazz, 07-4-2024

It is a beautiful, compelling song of almost eight minutes that is not boring for a second because so much happens in it. Chantal sticks to the beautiful, warm vocal line while the musicians color everything with lots of variation. What a gem Chantal Acda delivers here again.
Luminous Dash, 15-3-2024

In the quiet embrace of the music, Chantal unveils a raw and authentic portrayal of vulnerability, where every flaw and feeling is held close. The album becomes a sanctuary, inviting listeners to join in this silent communion with the intricacies of the human experience. Through each note and lyric, Chantal Acda crafts a space where imperfections are not only acknowledged but celebrated, creating a profound and intimate connection between the artist and the audience. Silently Held stands as a testament to the beauty found in the closeness of our flaws and feelings, inviting us to embrace them with grace and authenticity.
Triste Sunset, 12-3-2024

Silently Held marks a further development of her creative process, furtherly enriching the sound palette at the disposal of her always forthright and exciting writing.
SoWhat Musica, 30-1-2024

The Friends Parade is the first single from this new album, and it already sounds promising. The song again has that beautifully fragile edge that Acda is known for. It starts quite subdued with the beautiful rhythm tandem Thielemans/Morgan over which Frisell lays subtle guitar lines and occasionally includes a piano. The whole thing is glued together by Chantal's warm voice. At the end Stetson appears and provides the magical icing on the cake with his sax.
Luminous Dash, 26-1-2024

Play album Play album
One Day, One Life
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
I Can’t Make You Love Me
( Allen Shamblin, Mike Reid) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
Hear It Out
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
The Friends Parade
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
Silently Held
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
Taking Part
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum
The Barn
(Chantal Acda) Shahzad Ismaily, Joachim Badenhorst, Thomas Morgan, Bill Frisell, Chantal Acda, Eric Thielemans, Colin Stetson, Kurt van Herck, Jozef Dumoulin, Niels van Heertum

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